Monday, October 28, 2013

The Life of a Clefty Girl!

We are getting closer to our 5 month mark!  Our sweet Flo is now almost two months into her braces.  It is amazing how much her smile has changed so far.

  The life of a clefty girl.  Here Halloween is upon us and she once again has to let us know how much she hates having braces and missing out on her favorite candies such as-  Laffy Taffy and Tootsie Rolls.  Sad times, sad times for her. This time last year she was wearing her appliance to stretch her upper bite so she could have surgery in June.  I am not sure when she will have a care free, candy frenzy Halloween again, but I know when it happens she will have a beautiful smile.  I plan to take another photo on November 10th to compare.  I felt that October 10th the change was not that noticeable.  This journey is always a roller coaster and I am sure it will continue to be as our little girl continues to change. She is still the same girl underneath all of that plastic surgery and dental work, but she does not look the same on the outside. I still look at her baby pictures and miss that little crooked smile.  Sometimes I wish I could see just a glimpse of it.  As we all laugh at her daily antics I think of how our lives have changed since she entered it. She will thank me for all of this when she is older.  She will be glad that we were given the opportunity to take a little spitfire in Xi'an, China  around the world to live in a very lived-in house with a very lived-in car who also had access to doctors that changed her world.  God is awesome the way He can just move mountains when He wants something to be done.  He moved the world for us to have Flo and I am grateful each day! He is rockin' the world some more and I will share that later on a different page.

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