Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Video Video Video

We got video of our boy today.  We have been waiting on an update.  And he is so adorable.  I just want to hug him and kiss him.  In the video they feed him a piece of cake and try to get him to answer questions.  The boy is about the cake.  He is my husband's child.  He is so into eating the cake that he totally ignores the man asking him questions.  In video number 2 he is on the playground and the man is trying to get him to talk to him when he really just wants to burn off that sugar he just inhaled.  He is so stinkin' cute.  I wish I could show you a pic.  In the last second of the video the man gets him to say "Hello."  He says it in English.  It is so cute.  We are just in awe of God's wonderful blessing on this Thanksgiving.  Please continue to pray for us.  We will be placing a shirt order next week, if anyone still wants a shirt email me or post a comment here. Kim

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sweet Boy News!

I am about to get all Southern.  Our boy is cute Ya'll.  He is absolutely the cutest boy I have ever seen.  We saw some pictures that a mom took from last winter.  He is absolutely just the cutest and will break all the ladies hearts.  All of them.  He has an absolute head full of hair.  Just like Flo!  I am so grateful to the families that have traveled to this orphanage and chose to take pictures.  We are more in love with each picture.  We are praying that our home study goes smoothly and we can proceed to the next step.  We are still fundraising so spread the word about our t-shirts.  We will be doing some more fundraising in the next few months. So don't fret if you can't get in on the t-shirt one.  Remember prayers are always needed.

Flo is so excited about this adoption.  Even more so than I expected.  Back in the summer she had a little break down about being the only Asian family member.  It truly broke me.  I just was so heart broken.  I cried with her.  She was just I think frustrated with the surgery and exhausted from not being able to sleep well. (We have sleep issues for about six months after surgery.  I think it is anesthesia.)  She just did not understand any of it- the abandonment, the adoption, the whole thing.   This happens to all adopted kids at some point, but it came sooner than I expected.  We talked a long time and I just held her and let her know that there are many things about this we don't understand but God had a plan for her before she was born and we were part of His plan.  We love her forever and when she is old enough we will follow her and support her if she feels she wants to pursue finding her Chinese roots.  She ended that conversation with not understanding why she had to be the only Asian family member.  I think this adoption is going to really have a major impact on our family, but for her it is like a dream come true.  People tell us all the time that AG looks like me and I know it has to hurt Flo. With brother here we will now get, "They look so much alike."  Flo will have a big grin on her face!  And I can't wait! She may not have been born from my womb, but she loves like me and she hurts like me.  She aches for those in need and those that are hurting! She is my girl!

We have another meeting next week with our Social Worker.  Please continue to pray for us and our sweet boy!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Orthodontist Appointment Yesterday!

It appears that our girl is moving right along.  More adjustments and the doctor says she looks good.  We think so too! This momma thinks she always looks good.  Just for understanding, the doctors always say that to us as the cleft continues to change and have more of  a normalcy look to it.  Normalcy is children without cleft.  So here it is.  We noticed as her cleft is filling in and her teeth are coming together, she has this weird gap in her gum line.  This one tooth is super exposed in the front.  This is the tooth we prayed for by the way.  The one that wasn't there. God just told it to show up to mess with the doctors and answer our prayers.  Anyway, this guy has part of the gum missing from the cleft and the our orthodontist told us yesterday that once she gets her second, I said second, set of braces off she will go to a periodontist and have him fix the gum.  Whoo hoo a new doctor.  We have not met this guy yet and hope to meet him in four years.  Flo just looked at me with her mouth wide open, like what?  We were thinking the same thing, but I just said, "okay".  We will do whatever it takes to make her happy with who she is, but if at any point she says no more, especially, at age 13 or 14, I will have to say okay, enough she has decided she is done.  I am amazed and in awe of these beautiful parents that continue to adopt cleft babies.  They do it over and over again.  I am amazed at the sacrifice they make knowing what it entails.  I have no regrets adopting our little Flo so many years ago, but she has been through so much and I am not sure I could do it again and again.  These are wonderful people that God has chosen to deal with all of this SNs ups and downs.  I find these families just amazing and I thank each one of them for adopting these precious children and changing their lives forever.  We are so blessed by our Flo and we have met wonderful people on our Cleft Journey and I know God has been a part of it all.

She is crossing her eyes in the first because she did not want me to take her picture.  Her sister told her to do it so I would leave her alone.  I love big sister's.  We got a reverse band yesterday and he said it will address the under bite.  His goal for this set of braces is to eliminate the gap on top and fix the under bite as much as possible.  I am not sure what the next set will do, but we are so happy we are one-third done with this set.  Flo is hoping to get them off before we go to China.  I don't think that is going to happen, but she is still hopeful.  Thank you for following us on this journey.  I may show some real change next month when the under bite has really moved.

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Life of a Clefty Girl!

We are getting closer to our 5 month mark!  Our sweet Flo is now almost two months into her braces.  It is amazing how much her smile has changed so far.

  The life of a clefty girl.  Here Halloween is upon us and she once again has to let us know how much she hates having braces and missing out on her favorite candies such as-  Laffy Taffy and Tootsie Rolls.  Sad times, sad times for her. This time last year she was wearing her appliance to stretch her upper bite so she could have surgery in June.  I am not sure when she will have a care free, candy frenzy Halloween again, but I know when it happens she will have a beautiful smile.  I plan to take another photo on November 10th to compare.  I felt that October 10th the change was not that noticeable.  This journey is always a roller coaster and I am sure it will continue to be as our little girl continues to change. She is still the same girl underneath all of that plastic surgery and dental work, but she does not look the same on the outside. I still look at her baby pictures and miss that little crooked smile.  Sometimes I wish I could see just a glimpse of it.  As we all laugh at her daily antics I think of how our lives have changed since she entered it. She will thank me for all of this when she is older.  She will be glad that we were given the opportunity to take a little spitfire in Xi'an, China  around the world to live in a very lived-in house with a very lived-in car who also had access to doctors that changed her world.  God is awesome the way He can just move mountains when He wants something to be done.  He moved the world for us to have Flo and I am grateful each day! He is rockin' the world some more and I will share that later on a different page.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Three months out

Here we are once again with some face changes.  The surgery recovery has been great.  She did great and really the only reminder of it all is the scar on her hip. I really expected it to be smaller, but instead it will be permanent reminder for her of what she went through this summer.

Our new adventure includes a bite plate on the bottom and braces on the top.  The under bite is so severe that without the bite plate she would knock the brackets off the front of her teeth.  The orthodontist is optimistic that the bite plate will come out in 3-4 months. This set of braces will be on 6-9 months.  The next set will come about 2 years after these. So she will get a brief reprieve.  It is hard being Flo but sometimes God has mercy on us.

On August 20th, Flo's birthday, she was supposed to get her braces.  Instead the ortho decided she needed a plate.  She got a full three weeks without the appliance and no braces.  It so rocked. My husband was convinced that has never happened to anyone anywhere.  He thinks Flo has exceptional luck.  He could be right. 

Today Flo's response, "I don't  like my braces or bite plate."

We will see how her face changes once again.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


WEEK 3 Post Surgery

The swelling is going down, but boredom had set in.  This is what it had come to.

Saturday of last week Flo had had it.  I think Mark had to.  We had to get her out of the house.  We decided to go to Macon.  We love going to museums down there.  They are rarely busy and the people there are always so nice.  We also really like to go to Mass down there.  St. Joseph's Catholic Church was built in the early 1900's and it is absolutely breathe taking.  We all love it.  Anyway, we took her to the children's museum and to Mass in Macon.

We went to lunch at Arby's, but we had to make a pit stop at Wendy's for Chili.  This is Flo's new favorite treat.  She eats a Frosty and a cup of  Wendy's Chili.  I did not even know that they still serve Chili in the summer time but they do.  Looks gross, smells gross, but she loves it. We showed her how to take the crackers and mush them in the Chili.  She did not know about that.  I cook Chili at home a lot in the winter time, but we normally have cornbread with it.  So, the cracker thing was new for her. We had a great day and I think everyone had fun.  Flo was exhausted by the time we got home and she was ready for bed.  That was a good night for all of us.

We have spent the last week dealing with sleep issues.  Flo has had some issues sleeping.  She just can't go to bed alone.  It is just a little more than the rest of us can deal with at times.  We spent several days trying to get big sis back to health.  She has had some Asthma issues this week.  We spent a whole afternoon at the Asthma and Allergy Clinic.  She seems to be getting better.  I think as the temperature rises her Asthma gets worse. We stayed low key inside most of the week. AG's asthma seems to get worse with the heat.

We did have a mostly uneventful week.  I tried some new food recipes this week.  We are far from Chicken noodle because she is very done with that choice.  I introduced her to steamed squash and we added a shredded chicken to the menu as well.  She seem to be doing well with the soft foods and we have had only one melt down. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

24-hour famine and boiled french fries

First before anyone continues reading this, please pray for Teresa.  She is a little girl that was adopted from China and just had a heart transplant.  She is not doing well and really needs prayer. 

Thank you for praying for little Teresa and her sweet family! 

 What does a 24-hour famine have to do with boiling French fries? 

My oldest signed up to do a 24-famine lock-in type event at the church where she attended school for 7 years.  In the 24 hours the tweens and teens learn what it is like for people in Guatemala and other third world countries who go for days without food.  They originally were going to stay overnight outside in cardboard boxes but because of storms in the area they decided to set up their boxes inside.  Thank you Lord because this worried Momma slept better last night knowing that.

My oldest decided for her last meal before famine time she wanted McDonald's nuggets and fries.  Well, my no French fries girl was totally not pleased with that. Flo went on and on and on how she knew she could eat a fry and AG could check it for her.  I think at one point there was talk of  AG eating it for her and then spitting it in her mouth.  (just kidding, but it was almost to that)  I finally convinced her that we would go by the grocery store on our way home and buy some frozen fries.  We then discussed all the way to the store how we could prepare them so they would be soft enough for her to eat.  Then some Chinese wisdom came to me.  Steamer!  Put those bad boys in the steamer.  I use it to make pot stickers a.k.a. Chinese Dumplings.  We put them in there, added a little French fry salt and voila!  Done.  Did they look a little limp?  Yes.  Did she eat most of them? Yes.  Was I mom of the moment?  "Babam!" Yes I was.  We are getting quite creative to get her to eat something.  I will continue to post my creative Cleft surgery moments.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day!

Flo started getting cabin fever Saturday afternoon.  I decided to take her out with me to pick up Daddy's presents.  We went to a couple of stores and ended our evening at Target.  She was exhausted and so we came home and went to bed.  We all slept through breakfast.  Flo is still having a hard time at night. She has never been a great sleeper, but this has really disrupted sleep for all of us. When Mark came home from work Sunday morning he slept on the couch until we all woke up.  He opened presents and we got ready to go to Granny and Papa's house.  After a long day with cousins we came home and went to bed, but before bed Flo, AG, and Daddy enjoyed some of his presents outside.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cleft Realities

This experience has once again reminded me that cleft has realities that are hard to deal with.  My child will never look the same. She went into surgery with one face and she now has a new face. It is still a cute face but it is not the face she had.  It is so hard to deal with the dramatic changes and I can see them even through the swelling.  I will post some photos here so everyone can see the amount of swelling she is dealing with and I will try and update these photos weekly so everyone can see the gradual changes to her face over the next 8 to 12 weeks. 

The first one was at the beach on Friday of last week.  The second one was Friday this week and she is smiling at me.  Same smile but very swollen.  The third one was taken Wednesday of this week. We are hoping she has peaked with swelling but it could get worse before it gets better. I will update photos throughout the weekend.
I would like to give a run down of what our girl has been through this week.  She had what is called an Alveolar cleft bone graft.  Everyone of these is different and doctors do them differently.
This is what our doctor does.  He takes bone marrow from the Iliac crest.  This bone is located in the hip area.  Bone marrow which means this incision is on the surface small, but it is very deep.  She has a huge bruise in this area. It started small and has grown all week long.  The bone marrow is mixed with something called BMP or Bone Morphogenetic Compound.  This cocktail is supposed to stimulate growth in the open cleft area.  Clefts come in all shapes and sizes.  Some are just effected by an open lip, some include an open palate, and some include an open gum bone or alveolar.  Flo has all three.  She had two of the three repaired until this week.  The alveolar is the hardest so far and unlike the other surgeries that show immediate results, this one requires a wait of nine months.  The doctors will base success on the amount of growth in the alveolar gap or open bone space in nine months.  We pray for lots of growth because her opening or gap is so big.  We were also told by the doctor this week that she will need her jaw repair done sooner rather than later.  He is thinking next summer.  I did not ask for any details.  One surgery at a time.
I will continue to update her recovery over the next 12 weeks. Please leave any questions you may have under the comments sections and I will answer them the best that I can.

Pink one is Sunday
The Blue shirt is Tuesday
Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

Surgery information the first week!

I know these are out of order, but I wanted to put them in the order of days and this is what I came up with.  Start at the bottom of the post to read them in order. Not perfect, but it does give some small insight into our week. Thanks for reading.

Day 5

Daddy had plans to be out for part of the day.  The girls and I decided to go to Walmart and wheel Flo around in a wheel chair. After cleaning up the kitchen, decided to work on the blog for a while and let the girls play.  We then ventured out.  It was good a first but as Flo got tired she also got a little cranky. After two hours of shopping we decided to go home.  I spent the day just looking at the swelling in her face.  It seemed less than Thursday but still really bad.  I am hoping Saturday with be a new day.  We wore Flo out at the store and she was ready for bed after dinner.  She had rice tonight and I think it was a good change for her.

 Day 4

The girls had a bit of a lazy day.  With visitors 2 days in a row Flo was really tired.  She and her sister just hung out and watched television which was fine with me.  They did play some, but mostly just a chill day.  Daddy went and got new supplies of chicken noodle for Flo and chicken fingers for us from the grocery store. I did some clothes washing and thoroughly cleaned the kitchen.  Her pain was less today and we totally missed a dose meds because of that.  The evening brought us all upstairs for some card games while the evening thunder storm blew over.  My little chicks were a little scared to be downstairs alone during the storm, so playing card games on the bed seemed like a better idea.  Flo’s speech is getting worse as her face continues to swell. She slept through the entire night. 


Day 3!

Flo had an easier night, but the swelling is getting worse.  Her mouth is starting to hurt now.  She is still having difficulty getting up and down, but once she is up she is full force.  She informed me today that walking on her tip toes helped a lot.  I wanted to cry.  She again kept thanking me for taking care of her and she apologized for needing so much help.  She has been doing that since Monday and it just made me almost cry each time she said it. She is a grateful child.  We spent the morning getting her to eat and taking meds, bath, etc. She got her sister to play Barbies with her and that was the entire morning for them both. Around 1 family visitors started showing up.  We had cousins and Granny show up with balloons and ice cream.  Yeah!  Everyone stayed for an hour and visited.  Flo had her cousin here to play with and she really enjoyed that.  After everyone left she was really tired.  She slept really good and only got up one time during the night.


Day 2

We were up most of the night.  All afternoon Flo slept, so I knew that night she would be ready to party.  We had a wonderful day nurse and then when night time came we had a God moment.  Our night nurse had a five year old China baby at home. How cool was that?  She showed us pictures of her little cutie patootie.  We were treated like the stars of the floor that night.  By five am Flo was calling the nurse when she needed pain medication or anything else.  By nine in the morning she was calling the kitchen and ordering vanilla milkshakes.  She was given crafts, movies, and an invite to see a therapy dog in the Library at 11:30am.  Mark called us at 9:30am to let us know he was coming around 12.  The doctor had come by around 7:00 am Flo was still asleep, but he let me know that if her pain was managed we could leave in the late afternoon.  She was in pain when she got up to go to the bathroom and when she got back in bed.  Her face was swollen but the doctor told me it would get much worse by Friday. He basically told us we could leave at any time. We were so tired that the thoughts of going back home were exciting to both of us, but I think she really liked having the world at her fingertips. At 11:30 we went down to check out the dogs and brought back some freebies from the library.  If you know my daughter, you know that she loves the freebies.  We got a poster, book mark and some coloring sheets.  When we got back to her room and Daddy was there.  He brought shampoo and momma was pleased. I jumped at the opportunity to shower.  While in the shower, Mark was told we could leave.  The nurse was preparing our paperwork.  I wish she had told us before I got in the shower, but no such luck.  I went ahead and bathed Flo when I got out just so the nurse could change her dressing the first time before we left.  It took another hour before we could leave, but at 2pm we were on our way home.  We were all ready to go home and the missing rush hour traffic in Atlanta was a little bonus. We got home and Flo had a little gift left at the door. We found out our friends had just dropped it off so we told them to come on back by.  They did and Flo was thrilled.  I figured she would be upset because of the swelling on her face and having   them see her, but she just wanted to see her friends.  They played for about an hour and when they left she was tired.  It was good for her because she only got up a few times during the night.

Surgery Day!

We got to the hospital at 5:55am.  Flo was chatting and not too upset.  We checked in and signed our name to everything.  Everyone was wrist banded and we were told to wait.  10 minutes later they brought us back. We found out that Flo was tall for her age.  Who knew? We headed back to our room.  Room 25 was our holding tank until surgery time.  We met lots of people- nurses, doctors, and the sweet ladies that make kids comfortable at CHOA.  We gained a bear during this time.  He had a gown, hat and socks just like Flo.  He went back for surgery too.  We were told the surgery would take 2 hours, 1 hour, 45 minutes, and our take was no one really knows. Flo had not eaten since 9:00pm the night before and neither had we.  We held her tight when they came for her and we both kissed her.  We had prayed for her earlier.  She had entertained us for an hour when they gave her the Versed, I know versed. It is a weird name for a medication.  She took the meds and within 20 minutes she was making us roll.  She Face-Timed her sister and just was entertaining everyone.  Evidently that show went on to the OR.  She evidently had the doctor and the nurses in stitches before they put her under.  She told us of this crazy dream she had about the doctor that I will share later.  We told the doctor and he found it incredibly funny.  She slept most of the afternoon.  She tried so hard to watch tv and play games, but she was really exhausted and slept until about 5:00pm. 

1 Day before Surgery!

 Sunday was spent going to Mass and washing as many clothes as possible before we headed for the hospital at 5:00am.  We rushed around and got everything done. We had Mexican for lunch once again. Flo's choice. We took AG to my mom's house and then spent the afternoon visiting some close friends so Flo could play.  It was a great day and she was really tired.  Being tired eased her anxiousness and allowed her to sleep.  Thanks, Vickie.  I, on the other hand, did not sleep well and I was up at 3:00am.  The bags were at the door and Flo's favorite pillow was ready to roll at 3:15am. I messed on the computer until Mark came down at 4:00am.  It was now time.



Monday, June 3, 2013

8 Days until surgery!

I can't believe it is here.  We got through the Ear surgery without a hitch!  Our FLO did great up until we got home!  I knew something was wrong when we got in the car.  She rarely ever just falls asleep. Then we arrived at her restaurant choice and she could barely get out what she wanted.  She started out wanting a chicken wrap on our way to the hospital, but now that we were there she just wanted fries and tea.  Then she said just tea.  I looked at her and knew something was not right.  I recommended she get Sprite, but my husband over ruled and got her Sweet Tea! Bad Idea! She threw up in the driveway when we got home!  Then she had this big grin on her face, "That is the first time I threw up!" I looked at her and said,"you are right."  The world was now a happy place!

So now we count down the days!  We started with Laser Tag on day one of summer break!  This week we have play dates planned, a little short getaway, and a French Fry party.  She knows that French Fries are going to be a painful loss.  One of her all time favorites.  I expect to never want to eat a French Fry again after that day.  Not a huge fan myself unless I make them.  I will continue to update as we start this process and then began the healing process.

Monday, February 25, 2013


We got a date today.  We will have surgery the second week of June.

We also had our pre-op today for our 4th set of ear tubes.  That surgery will be next week.  Flo is not excited about this one either.   The PA told us they would use a local ansthesia, no gas or anything.  Flo is going to hate that.  I pray it goes well.  I will not get to be in the room with her.  I just hope she does not have a panic attack or anything.  The PA told us today it only takes 7 minutes per ear.  I certainly hope so.  It took us 2 years for her to get over being held down to have her ears cleaned.  I cried with her as I was made to help hold her down so they could remove wax from her ears.  It was awful and she didn't forget it and neither did I.  Daddy now takes her when he can because I just can't watch it.  Although, she informed me that she just lays there while they do it. Daddy just holds her hand.  She is such a big girl.  I hope God is preparing her for big things.  I hope she finds a way to work with kids that have been through what she has gone through with Cleft.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Cleft update!

I wrote out story number one for the cleft page.  This was the first surgery and what led up to it. Feel free to scroll down and read it.
Thanks for following us along.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Today was the big day.  The big consult.  The one I have been dreading for years.  I just simply thought it will be forever before it gets here.  Forever is now!  Our children grow and with Cleft growth means more adventure.  Everything I read in the Bible reading for today and in my Bible study book spoke about the Peace the Lord gives us in times of turmoil.  It was just repeated to me over and over to have no fear for the Lord is with you.  With the LORD you will find peace, etc.  I prayed all day for me to feel Peace and be at ease when our surgeon came in.

We walked in and signed in.  I saw a lady with the cutest Chinese bundle of boy I had ever seen.  He was smiling with his little Clefty smile.  Very cutie patootie.  And over at the video games was his 5 year old Clefty sis.  Sweet welcome in the door.  Their mom told me they were both Henan babies.  Little man, Matthew, has been home one week.  Big sis came home 4 years ago. Biggest sis was at school and she was their only Bio daughter.  Maybe our story will turn out like this one.  Who knows what the future holds.

Anyway, it was wonderful to talk to them. They wanted to see Flo's appliance because their 5 year old would be heading in that direction of this adventure sooner than any of us would like to think about.  Little man was being prepared for his first cleft palate surgery and dad had a few questions about that. It was very nice and they were a sweet family.  As we waited for our turn to be called up to the desk, I was not sitting and thinking about all that we would have to hear today, I was sharing my own experience with those following behind me on this same adventure that we are traveling.  Some days it is easier to share the road with fellow travelers than it is to walk it alone. God knew I needed this little side track and throwing in that sweet little Clefty boy was a little bonus. Thanks God.

Flo and I sat down after they called our new Henan friends back.  We were called up to sign paperwork and within ten minutes were in the mirage of health professionals and many, many questions from every direction. A typical day at any Craniofacial Clinic across America.

We were taken down to a room by the triage nurse and another nurse said, "don't go in there it is not clean."  So our nurse took us out and then she took us back in and then she took us out and then the other nurse came down the hall and said," no, this one is not clean take them two doors down."  She said, "Oh, I did not understand what you meant.  Sorry".  Not her fault because in the middle of us traveling maybe 6 feet about 7 people passed us and went in between us in the hall. Typical day at the Craniofacial Clinic.  Anyway, we entered the room and I just continued to ask God to bring us some peace.  When we walked in the door Flo was checking out the books propped up in the window and she saw a ladybug.  She said, "Look Momma, I want to take him home."  I smiled and I thanked God for him being there.  She finally got up on the big table with a book and right next to her was another ladybug.  She started looking around and we saw another one.  There was one for each of the adopted China babies in the building right then.  I knew we were good.  The nurse came back and brought in some paperwork and of course asked more questions.  Flo brought me one of her new ladybug friends and I placed him on my pants leg.  He stayed right there until we were about to leave.  The nurse looked at Flo and I and said, "I don't know why they love this room. They always seem to come in here."  I knew why they were there today.

The particular cleft surgery that Flo has to have this time is more complicated and very different from any other surgeries we have had in the past.  It involves a bone donor site. In the past she has had a cartilage donor site, but this is our first experience with actual bone.  I have read countless articles about this particular surgery over the past few weeks, month, and I have read several articles written by our surgeon on the subject as well.  I knew that I was prepared to ask questions, but I was not sure he was going to give me the answers I wanted to here.  My ladybug friend let me know that it was going to be alright. GOD was with us!

We saw our orthodontist whom we visited in his office last week.  He reassured us we were ready for surgery and that he would let Dr. B know in the hallway. "GREENLIGHT!"  We had several other assistants stop by as usual and then the nurse let us know that Dr. B should be in momentarily.  He came in with one of his assistants and said well, "Michael says we're ready to go?."  I looked at him and said, "Yeah!  Greenlight!"

"But, I do have some questions."  And he says, "Shoot, ask me whatever you got?"

He gave me his undivided attention for 25 minutes.

Let me back up here.  I received a phone call Wednesday afternoon from the Craniofacial Clinic in panic mode.  They informed me that they made my appointment for 2:30pm (2 months ago), and Dr. B had to be somewhere else at that time and was there anyway they could move my appointment to noon.  Uh no because I work until noon on Fridays.  I jumped right in and said 12:30 or 12:45pm was the best I could do. She said that would be fine.

Because all of the preschool teachers love me and allowed me to move their classes up 10 minutes, we got to the clinic around 12:15 and 40 minutes later Dr. B came in and just hung out with us and listened to my questions and answered everyone I had. He never checked his watch, he never rushed, he and the assistant just took a time out with us.
This is what God is all about! This is what prayer is about!  This is why God is all powerful and can drop Ladybugs from Heaven anywhere, anytime.

I will not get into details about the Cleft surgery here.  I will save that for our Cleft adventure page.  I will tell you that we feel good about this.  It will not be easy and it will not be pain free, but the hands of the man I spoke with today will be amazing and God will be there to help him make every move. I bet a ladybug or two might show up as well. Thank you for all of the prayers lifted up to us today!  We are really and truly blessed in so many ways!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I am not a good blogger

Daddy with AG

Momma with FLO
Okay I am not a good blogger.  I start and stop. I have all of this stuff in my head to write about and I just forget to put it here.  It just stays blogged up in my head and it never gets to the page.  I am going to change all of that.  I have decided that I need to do this and I need to unblog my head. So, I will let it all hang out here.  I hope not to offend anyone or loose any friends when they read this. I just think I need this. This will be about my kids and all of their shenanigans. I have two super cuties.  AG is 11 and FLO (affectionately named after the progressive girl on the commercials) is 8.  Daily they are a hoot and now that we are in the tween years it is daily drama, drama, drama.  We are developing attitudes and new bodies at the same time.  Soooooo Fun!  I am always praying that a little testosterone will be added some day, but it is just not God's time.  YET!